Peer Feedback Forms

Good afternoon everyone!

Feedback time! I just wanted to post about the four people I have given comments and feedbacks to. I believe giving and receiving feedback is a great mechanism to gain constructive criticism about our work and to gain insights on how to improve it. To view the feedbacks I have given, please click the links below.

Best regards,
Aldrex Mae

Step 5 – Chapter 2 & 3 Reflection

Good evening everyone!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! I have just uploaded my reflections for chapter 2 and 3, and I would really love to gain comments and feedbacks from all of you! It would be greatly appreciated!

I know everyone may be a little bit busy but one more week till this assessment is over and done with!

Please click the link below to access my Step 5 – Chapter 2 & 3 Reflections.

My Top Three Favourite Blogs

Hi everyone! I would just like to share my top three favourite blogs. Kindly visit their blog in the links below, to gain some important information and personal insights about each and everyone of them. There was a lot of excellent blogs that I have visited. It was very difficult to just choose three. But nevertheless, I have outlined my favourite blogs below.  

Rina Prasad – AccountingStudent2019 

I have chosen Rina as one of my favourites, as her blog looks very stylish and professional. My first initial thought was ‘wow’, I wish I could have set up my blog like that! I also personally like how she has included pictures within her blog and the inclusion of her time availability. It is such a great blog to read, where I can relate to the same struggle that she is also going through such as workload management.  

Leigh Scherer – Fresh Start Accounting 

I have chosen Leigh as one of my favourites as well, as she has given me an important information on utilising Studiosity on getting constructive feedback on my assignment and giving me an idea of utilising Facebook as well to find other people’s blogs. Adding more to this, I also found her blog easy to navigate with the use of hyperlinks on her assessment draft. She has also outlined some of the challenges I can personally relate to such as ‘trying to change the header’ for my blog which also took me hours. It was just nice to know that I am not the only one that may need a hand from time to time. 

 Marcia Holi – Marcia’s Blog 

I personally like Marcia’s blog because I can personally relate to her experiences. Coming from a developing nation myself and wanting to earn a degree, in order to someday go back to my home country and help my fellow Filipinos. I personally love Marcia’s blog based on the content she has shared, rather than the format of her blog.  

Happy reading everyone!

Best regards,
Aldrex Mae

Assessment 1: Getting Started Draft

“Smile while you still have teeth!”

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone are feeling fantastic about their blog (because I know I am)! I hope everyone is in the middle of putting parts of their assignments together ready for other people’s feedback. Here is my current draft of assessment 1. I would really appreciate it if you can give me some constructive criticism and feedback on how to improve my assessment. Any comment will be appreciated.

Please click the link below to access the document.

Thank you so much for reading guys! Keep smiling we are nearly at the end of this assessment!

Best regards,

Aldrex Mae

My Company – DataDot Technology

Good Evening Everyone,

Thought I would post about my company, DataDot to give you a little bit of information on what my company does. First things first, here is short video that outlines the importance of DataDot technology in the market. As you can tell from the video, the importance of Datadot in the market is huge to prevent theft and counterfeiting of businesses products.

Background Information 

DataDot Technology LTD is an Australian public company that focuses on creating technology that prevents theft of assets or counterfeiting of products through a unique marking and identification system (DataDot DNA). DataDot Technology (DDT) utilised the idea of marking each asset with thousands of microdots (hence the company name) that has its own unique and individual code that is stored and recorded in a secured database. The items marked with DDT can be easily identified and can provide information such as ownership, authenticity, manufacture and destination. DDT are currently distributed to over 28 countries and provides security for business’ assets across the globe. The DDT has the potential to tap in global markets such as the clothing and industrial materials sector. 

After navigating around their website and getting a ‘feel’ of what my firm does, I have learned some interesting information about the importance of the work DataDot does to protect businesses from losing potential revenues due to fake goods. According to the article ‘The Real Cost of Fake Goods’, the effects of counterfeit products entering the US shores are causing around 4.2 – 5.4 million jobs loss by 2022 from legitimate companies. Other dangers caused by counterfeit products are detrimental to consumer well-being if ‘fake’ medication enter our pharmaceutical industry. Reading the article above opened my eyes on the issue of fake goods and its potential harm to our society, especially our health. 

For more information about DataDot Technology LTD, just click the hyperlink which will take you to their site. Additional information from the 2018 Annual Report highlights the disappointment that the Chairman of not being able to grow their revenue this year and the strategies DataDot will undertake to turn their revenues from a decline to a positive incline this coming financial year.

Thank you for reading this long post! Hope it was informative and gave you an understanding of what my company does.

Best regards,

Aldrex Mae

Assessment 1 – Step 1: KCQ’s

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is having a wonderful time so far, having first-hand experience of what accounting is and also making lasting connections as well.

This section highlights my thoughts on the KCQ’s for the Study Guide – Introduction and Study Guide – Chapter 1.

Please feel free to write some feedbacks on the comments below, as it will be greatly appreciated! I will also return the same favour! Just click on the link below to access this document!

Best Regards,

Aldrex Mae

Warmest of Welcome Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Aldrex Mae Condino and this is my first ever blog! I have very limited knowledge on this type of platform, but hopefully my knowledge of blogging progress as we learn more about accounting together!

I am from Lightning Ridge and have currently moved to Penrith to Study a business degree. I chose to study this degree, in the hopes of learning more about business and someday open my own business.

I hope everyone is settling in fine with their new environments and thank you for reading my first blog post!

Much appreciated,
Aldrex Mae