4 thoughts on “ACCT13017 – Financial Statement Analysis

  1. Hi Aldrex, I have really enjoyed reading your post and thought you provided a great over view of your firm. I have never actually heard of them before but you have given me some great insight into their operations. I really liked how you dedicated a section of your post to talking about your firm’s strategy – this is something I have neglected to do with my firm and you have made me realise how important it would be to include it considering it forms the foundation of this unit. I find it really interesting that each of your firm’s centres have a different name. Do you know if they operate as subsidiaries or in more of a franchise arrangement? I am wondering if you search for the names of a couple of the independent centres whether you would have any more luck with finding some news and media articles? I have also recently posted an overview of my company on my blog if you would like to check it out: https://anaccountingjourney.wordpress.com/2021/08/09/assignment-1-step-3-dicker-data-ltd/.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your thoughtful and extensive feedback. I really appreciate it! :). I did try to find more information on the independent websites if they have any news or media articles but there is sadly none available. As for why they have different names, I am still unsure of why. Maybe their annual report may provide more insight about the reasoning for this :).


  3. Hi Aldrex,
    Your blog is fantastic, the presentation is excellent and so easy to navigate, you have done a great job. That is really interesting regarding Mayfield’s revenue increase and the amount they received in government handouts. I really thought being in the childcare industry they would have experienced greater detrimental effects due to Covid-19, so that was interesting. I was also surprised by their occupancy rates, I assumed it would be greater (I have three kids and trying to secure a daycare placement was really difficult lol). Overall, I think your blog is fantastic!


  4. Hi Aldrex, great work on your background information on your company Mayfield Childcare. I to struggled a little to find news articles and so on regarding my company, it makes it a little tricky to discuss. Anyway I think your Blog Looks great so far.


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